Benefits of Francis Tuttle

If you’re interested in going to Francis Tuttle, visit Brandy Redus in the career and college office located in between the main office and the counselors office. She will help you with any career information and more. We have interviewed Mrs. Redus about Francis Tuttle and she has provided the information below.



”With Francis Tuttle the benefits would be starting your direction into a career path while you’re still in high school, so a certain program I’m thinking of is Cosmetology. As a student, you have to get fewer hours, and so it kind of helps you to get through that program while you’re in high school. Then you can do the state board test and become a licensed cosmetologist when you leave high school. Another one is Pre-nursing. You can get your CNA before you leave high school and be able to go into a well paying job. Then many of the programs have a certain certification to complete, and you’ll be able to take that with you on to your career.”


Who should apply

“I don’t believe Francis Tuttle is for everyone. Francis Tuttle is great for students who are interested in those programs, but it’s not for everyone. For example, recently I had students come in asking about psychology, and they don’t offer anything. For that field of study, you would have to go get a college degree, then go get your doctorate for psychology to become a doctor in that career, so it’s more complex than the average. It’s for students who don’t want to go to college. We have an academy that offers a head start on certain fields of study, but most of the other programs are helpful to get in the career path after high school. Most kids have aspirations besides that.”


What are the requirements

“I would advise them to make sure they are doing well in their current classes at PCN. They are going to look at their attendance, log entry, and any kind of discipline. They are also going to look at their grades. So, they are not looking for students who don’t come to school, obviously, because they want you to show up to school there, and they are very strict on their attendance and all their other policies. So, I feel it’s important to do what you have to do here so you can get the privilege to get there.”

What are classes like

“Some unknown facts are that you can leave there with a certification. I believe everyone thinks it’s all hands on, but it’s not all hands on. There’s still bookwork and classes you have to complete, but there is another portion where you’re working hands-on, like working in a salon or hospital. Another thing is that most of the classes are pretty small, so you would be able to have more one-on-one time with your teacher in small groups. You’re here for the entire time, so for three hours you would be able to have that relationship and have something you are solely working on for that amount of time.”


How do I apply

“The process of applying has changed this year. Now it is online. There will be a QR code students can come by my office to scan. I will also post it on the counseling website, and they can also just go to Francis Tuttle website to apply. Once you apply, I will get that information sent to me, and then I will go in and add the thing they are looking for- attendance, discipline, grades, etc to your application and send it through to Francis Tuttle. Then there will be an interview here in my office with a representative from Francis Tuttle. They’ll start applying in January, they’ll start interviewing in the next few months, then they should know if they got accepted in April.”


What are the most popular programs

“2D/3D animation is probably one of the most popular. Cosmetology, marketing, welding, culinary, and pre-nursing are all pretty popular, so if they are interested in those, they should hurry and apply. So, there are programs you can take as a freshman that will help prepare you for college. They’re great if you want to be an engineer, doctor, or in computer science. It is a very high-level, rigorous education, so there will be some challenges. Even straight A students will go there and get B’s, and colleges look for students who have been in those programs, so yes this is difficult, but this will be able to help you get into college. Now, there are other opportunities with other programs. Some students that need help affording college will go get their cosmetology or pre-nursing license, for example. They will be able to get a higher-paying job working part-time while in college.”


The outcomes of Francis Tuttle

“It all depends on what they are certified in. Some students go into the marketing program, and they learn how to run a business through entrepreneurship, so when they leave, it’s not really about certification, it’s about the lesson they have learned. They can go out and start that business from the ground up. Other programs, like pre-nursing, are going and getting certification and can work in a hospital and get paid a little more. Kids in auto programs can get certified at Honda and work at a car shop. In culinary, you can get certified as a culinary assistant and that will get

you employed at a higher paying restaurant.They have had kids on food network shows because they are in compétions and have done really well. There are just so many opportunities that come along with being able to get those certifications and really just the knowledge that they are learning and moving on.”