Empty Climate Promises

Biden has promised many things, but have they truly been carried out to par? Environmental dishonesties are one of the most apparent dishonesties, and it seems like America continues to fall into environmental ruin. Additionally, with no environment, how can an economy be sustained? Short answer: it can’t.

On the track of which we are on, the climate crisis continues to become out of our control. The worse it gets, the more numerous and deadlier the floods and wildfires get. Our summers will become too hot to bear, our Arctic friends will die out, and all the things we have never seen that depend on cooler climates, we will never get to see. Plantlife, animals, environments, etc.

Biden knew this, and in his presidential campaigns in November 2020, he used promises of a better attempt at solving the climate crisis to sway more people to his side.
Has he delivered on his promises? Well, when he went to Glasgow and declared the United States as a climate leader, he seemed proud. However, immediately after the meeting, he leased millions of acres in the Gulf to oil and gas companies for drilling. The damage that drilling does to the environment is almost undeniable due to the amount of pollution it releases into the air and water. The marine environment is deeply disturbed by the drilling, and the oil spill risk is increased. Greenhouse gasses are released, contributing to the climate crisis and all of the pollution hurts the health of the people.

Oil spills, as we know from The Deepwater Horizon oil spill, are no light matter. The damage and death they cause to the wildlife surrounding the area is absolutely tragic, and the amount of money it takes to clean up something so large is nothing light either. The Deepwater Horizon oil spill took $1-7 billion dollars!

To claim leadership in climate and do something so risky is very misleading on Biden’s part, and the science backs it up. Biden has not been quick in cutting emissions in the time frame he promised, nor has he been quick in mandating more energy efficient daily life items like he said he would be. Scientists say we need to act fast, but Biden is not delivering. The climate state in the future is grim, and all we can do now is stop it from getting worse.