Plane crashes; they seem like they are happening once every week now, and
people are starting to wonder if it is safe to even go on a plane anymore. The increase
in them has also increased nationwide panic and anxiety regarding planes and anything
to do with aviation. In reality, there aren’t that many plane crashes. Of course, there
shouldn’t be any, but there aren’t as many as you think when compared to other
The plane crashes are happening more often than they are supposed to and
from previous years. There have been 94 aviation accidents. Compared to other years,
this number is a lot higher than it should be. Especially when the servers were down for
a week, which has been making people even more anxious. The thing is that when
compared to other accidents, plane crashes are significantly less.
In California alone, there have been 4,000 fatal car crashes last year. And yet,
people still drive everywhere and do everything the same. While the amount of plane
crashes is scary and confusing, it shouldn’t make you not want to fly because of it when
they are still safer than most forms of transportation. Especially considering planes have
to have a lot of safety measures before they can even take off. When compared to
planes, there are cars driving around that are extremely broken and dangerous. There
is also the possibility of another driver having something wrong with them and that
possibility is higher than your pilot having something wrong because there are more
drivers rather than pilots.
Still, plane crashes are concerning. They are happening at an increased rate
suddenly, and a spike in plane crashes may be because hundreds of Federal Aviation
Administration workers were fired recently. With this, they are severely understaffed and
are unable to do their job to the fullest of their ability.
The majority of these plane crashes have been from small and private planes. Also,
there have been plane crashes that have been happening outside of the US. However,
flying in a commercial airline would be much safer than that of a private airline.
Commercial flights actually have been the safest currently, especially with all of the
safety precautions and safety regulations that they are subject to.
There has actually been less plane crashes in January as compared to other
years, it’s just the increased spike in them that is concerning. There were 52 in January
this year, yet last year there were 58, and before that there were 70. This proves that
there haven’t been more plane crashes that have been happening, it’s just a spike in
them that occurred around the same time as the firing of FAA workers. However,
statistically It’s still more dangerous to drive in a car than fly in a plane.