When Netflix drops a show, the whole show drops on the same day. Hours and hours whiz by as each episode is watched one after the other. No movement; just eyes locked onto the screen. It’s called “Netflix and Binge,” and their branding is centered around it. But what about binging is so alluring, I wonder?
Beginning with the science behind binging, Netflix takes advantage of the human chemical response to happiness: dopamine. Dopamine is almost like a drug, rewarding you with good feelings whenever you experience something happy, entertaining, or fulfilling. It’s that boost in mood where for a moment you feel on top of the world.
With binging, episode after episode – especially long ones – there is that constant cycle of dopamine production. A constant motivator to keep going, and by understanding this chemical response, Netflix takes advantage of their dear users as well.
Contrary to the weekly release, that keeps conversation going and suspense high for a show up until it is finished, Netflix makes binging so easy that it may actually negatively impact the viewer’s health. The impacts can range from issues with sleeping, to unhealthy eating behaviors, and has shown correlation with antisocial behaviors. The addiction to dopamine it creates makes it hard to stop the binging process; it’s just so fun.
In this social climate, addictions can be found not only in what is traditional. There are modern addictions that we have to be wary of; things that seem so normal because so many people do it, but damaging to our health and relationships. Though we choose to omit its possibility, consumption of media is one of those things.
Our dependency on media makes it so that without it, functioning in our daily lives may actually be rendered impossible. Our work is on the phone; our relationships are on the phone; how we communicate is much different than what was used just 20 years before, and it may be too late to go back. That’s okay, however, there is always a healthy standard. Such that you can die from drinking too much water, even though water is a good thing, too much media can feel like you’re drowning.
So, binging is commonplace nowadays, especially with Netflix’s marketing and how successful it’s been, but you don’t want to fall victim to a blatant manipulation of your biology. Enjoy your shows, especially with all the crazy releases coming out this lucky year, but don’t lose yourself to marketing ploys and bad habits. Take care of your dopamine, and binge healthily!